Here lies the birthplace of Her powers, ones that never to waver.

Being side-by-side with the capital, Leita City is the city with the focus of science development. The maintenance of this city is being handled by EXPERiTH, Synestia's organization of scientists. Here, do they conduct numerous of experiments for the good of science. Not any kind of science, their main focus is science development for military purposes. From engineering weaponries, inducing human experiments, until tweaking Synestia's beasts for military purposes. That of course, doesn't limit Leita City's purpose of enhancing technologies for Synestia's people's daily prosperity.

Unlike the capital, access to this city is limited to those approved only. Even the nobles must gain approval upon their visit here, more so for the commoners. For this is where the kingdom's main laboratories reside, not just anyone can have the privilege to step their feet upon Leita's grounds. The area of this city is surrounded by tall walls, none shall pass it without the needed approval.

Without power, what future can you claim? What good a kingdom you cannot defend?

Right next to the city of lethal science, within the desert's cliffs and mountains, lies Myrph City. Where soldiers are honed, where warriors are forged. For the maintenance of the city, EXFOTiA is the one who maintains order. Synestia's organization of soldiers, one to satisfy Her military and defense needs.

Not all people have the privilege to be soldiers, for such position is considered prestigious within Synestia lands. People who are proven worthy and wish to serve the kingdom through man power devout most of their time here. Ordinarily, those who are acknowledged as feasible to become soldiers are those who come from Myrph's residential area.

Margova Barracks is the main asset of this city. The basecamp for everything military related, EXFOTiA's one and only main barrack. From grinding the novices, to polishing the warriors. From sorting out tactics, to practicing it out.

On paths must you rely, by path of living flame have you come.

The largest city within Synestia Kingdom, the city that has one most important supporting role for the magitek kingdom. Saephos City, the city responsible for all of Synestia's need in industrial and residential aspect. Most of Synestia citizens live here, for the residential area here is the largest than the other cities.

Every daily necessities needed by everyone in Synestia is manufactured here. Food, electricity, clothes, all that. Huge markets lie all around the city, alongside factories and generator pillars. All powered by the prowess of Krissala, wielded by EXPERiTH's efforts. All protected by the courage of EXFOTiA, completing the cycle of harmony.

For every part of Synestia people has their own role, all for harmonious glory.

You who reach, but cannot grasp, in failure ever to wander.

Serves as the border from Synestia kingdom with the outer neutral lands, Maranaia Valley is the name. Be beautiful as it may, this valley wasn't made by nature.

Indeed, the whole valley was man made. Made possible during the reign of Veradisia the 21st ( 857 - 880 AC, Zerynthian year ).

Due to its purpose as the border, the path along the valley is proven challenging to be taken. Steep pathways, slippery rocks, even at some point, labyrinths to confuse those who never dare to step its feet upon Synestia lands.

You who crawl upon the clay, yet yearn for Heaven's path, made by Our will.

The source of Synestia's characteristic power, the birthplace of the wondrous Krissala, Amandla Mines. Lies beneath the sands, it was first reached in 847 AC ( Zerynthian year ), after the kingdom excavated Her way to reach the priceless resources.

Due to the high value of Krissala, not everyone can access the mines. Heavily guarded at the entrance, no ordinary person shall pass the gate towards the mines. To the very minimum, those who wish to enter Amandla Mines must gain permit from EXPERiTH.

All that lived and ever shall, are as nothing before the Undying.

Pariksana Dunes, where untamed sands and boulders surround Synestia. All of the area which are untouched by Her cities are still claimed by Pariksana, with their beasts as the inhabitants. The diversity of the beasts are worth the awe, for even some of them are classified as undead beings.

For those adventurous souls, the dunes may serve them as their sandbox to play with. On rare occasions, there might be a chance for you to be able to encounter a rare beast. With it, a rare chance to earn something precious out of it. Seek it out, if you wish it.